The film revolves around Damián, who, in order to run away from his boss when he fires him after many long years of service in his company, hides in an old wardrobe that gets delivered to a middle-class house, inhabited by Lucía, Fede and their teenage daughter, María. Damián realises that staying in the wardrobe gives him the opportunity to lead the life that he has always yearned for. He thus becomes the family’s guardian angel, doing the housework in their absence, but he starts to lose his grip on reality, and Lucía, who is on antidepressants, believes that the closet harbours the ghost of her late brother.
更新HD恐惧街2【影视解说】萨迪·辛克,埃米莉·拉德,芮安·辛普金斯,麦凯布·斯莱,泰德·萨瑟兰,乔丹娜·斯皮罗,吉莉安·雅各布斯,琪亚娜·玛黛拉,小本杰明·弗洛雷斯,马修·祖克,阿什利·祖克曼,奥利维亚·韦尔奇,基娅拉·奥利勒拉,乔迪恩·迪纳塔莱,伊登·坎贝尔,迈克·普罗沃斯,布兰登·斯平克,德鲁·谢伊德,艾米丽·布罗斯特,迈克尔·钱德勒,弗莱德·赫钦格,嘉娜·艾伦,托德·艾伦·德金,切斯·莱杰伍德,Marcelle Le