To help Prince Alex, who is currently trapped in the body of a mouse, become a human again, Ella and her friends set off on a journey to unlock the magic that can change him back… even though in changing fate, they may test their own. In the end, they find that friendship is the most powerful cure, in even the most difficult times.
HD【OVA 特别篇】刀剑神域 Extra Edition【台配国语】松冈祯丞,户松遥,伊藤加奈惠,竹达彩奈,日高里菜,高垣彩阳,平田广明,安元洋贵,井泽诗织,森川智之,伊藤美纪,羽佐间道夫,阪脩,后藤弘树,关智一,桧山修之,田丸笃志,早见沙织,游佐浩二,大川透,山路和弘,子安武人,高桥伸也,三宅健太,村濑步,矢作纱友里,斋藤千和,山寺宏一